I finally got to use my new pressure cooker! I have done some basic water bath canning, but now the possibilities are endless. Meijer's recently had a wonderful potato sale, which I could not pass up. I paid 90 cents for a 3 pound bag. The actual sale was 10 for 10 get the 11th free which I am beginning to see was a better bargain than I thought. Most recipes I have found say 2-3 pounds per quart, but I am getting 7 quarts from two and a half bags (7.5#) The only thing I can figure is they plan on more waste. I am using Yukon Gold potatoes and since the skins are very thin I have very little waste. Over all the potatoes were in very good conditon. I have chosen to leave some of the skins on despite all of the warnings to peel first. I did wash the potatoes thoroughly before and after cutting them into chunks. Needless to say I have more potatoes than I am going to be able to can up at this time. Since I live in a studio apartment, cool dark places are limited, but I think they will stay cool enough in my non-energy efficient apartment. Looking forward to opening up that first jar to see how they turned out.
I am so happy that you gave them a try. You will be canning everything you can get your hands on now.